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How to Stop Feeling Dirty After Sex?

Published 10/09/2022 by Joanne Jones

How to Stop Feeling Dirty After Sex?

After a sexual encounter, you might feel all sorts of things: happy, vibrant, relieved, or you could have negative feelings, feelings of guilt, anxiety, feelings of shame, or even dirty.

If you're feeling dirty after physical intimacy, know that you're not alone — this is a familiar feeling, especially for women. There are a few things that can contribute to your sense of dirtiness. For one, you might be experiencing some residual sexual guilt from hooking up with someone who isn't your significant other. Or you might feel uneasy about the fact that you just had sex with someone you don't know very well.

Whatever the reason, you can do a few things to stop feeling dirty after sex.

Take a shower or bath — this will help you physically wash away any residual bacteria or bodily fluids.

Take some time to reflect on why you're feeling dirty and see if there's anything you can do to change your mindset.

Remember that everyone feels this at some point in their adult life — so try not to worry if you feel dirty after sex. It is an emotion that will pass.

Try these three easy steps, and if you still feel dirty feelings after sex, it may be time to talk to someone you trust or feel more comfortable talking to somebody you don't know but know you can trust. Trusted psychics live psychic readers, and online live messenger readers are experts in the romance field. They have provided thousands of people with professional love readings to help people gain a more in-depth look into issues and find answers to questions and solutions to problems relating to sexual intimacy.

Why Do I Dread My Partner Wanting Sex?

Trusted psychics live psychic readers say one of the most common complaints they hear from couples is that one partner wants sex more often than the other. This can be a source of incredible frustration, leading to feelings of rejection and inadequacy no matter your sexual orientation.

There are many reasons why someone might dread their partner wanting sexual intimacy. Perhaps they feel like they are always the one initiating intimacy and are tired of feeling like they are the only one who is interested which is a common emotion in a long-term relationship. Or they may be worried about their body or performance and worry that their partner will be disappointed.

In some instances, there might be underlying issues, such as feelings of anxiety or depression, that are impacting their libido. Whatever the reason, sexual dysfunction in a relationship has an impact, and it is vital to communicate with your partner regarding your needs and concerns. Doing this allows you to develop a plan for your sexual relationship that works for both of you.

What Causes Sadness and Shame After Sex?

Various factors can cause feelings of shame, sadness, and disgust after sex. They may be linked to an individual's personal experiences or beliefs, such as a traumatic event or past abuse, a fear of intimacy or social stigma regarding sexuality.

These feelings may be related to the circumstances surrounding the sexual experience - for instance, if someone has been pressured into having sex or feels that they were taken advantage of may cause you great sadness after sex.

In terms of psychological causes, feelings of guilt and shame are often associated with traditional values regarding sex and social taboos about engaging in sexual activity outside marriage. Such beliefs can make an individual feel ashamed for indulging in intimate activities that are not considered socially acceptable.

If an individual has internalised messages from their upbringing that suggest that sex is something to feel guilty about, they may feel remorse after engaging in it.

Physically, reactions such as sadness and disgust after sex can also be affected by hormones released during the act. During orgasm, hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine are released in both men and women, which cause intense pleasure but can also lead to subsequent negative emotions due to their effects on neurotransmitters like serotonin.

The intensity of these hormones can vary depending on the individual’s situation, which could mean that they might struggle to cope with their post-sex emotions afterwards if they have come down from a chemically induced high too quickly.

Furthermore, some people may feel particularly vulnerable after having sex, making them more likely to experience feelings of regret or self-doubt when reflecting on what happened afterwards - especially if it was out of character for them or done without much thought beforehand.

Lastly, physical issues such as STIs (sexually transmitted infections) can also make people feel ashamed and disgusted after having unprotected sex since the potential consequences for one's health can be extremely serious.

What Is Postcoital Dysphoria?

Postcoital dysphoria (PCD) is a mental health condition characterised by feelings of sadness, anxiety, irritability, and exhaustion that occur after engaging in consensual sexual activity.

PCD can affect anyone who has experienced consensual sexual activity, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. It is important to note that PCD differs from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can also occur in relation to traumatic sexual experiences.

PCD symptoms generally appear immediately after the experience of consensual sex and can last anywhere from a few minutes to several days. Symptoms may include feeling overwhelmed, crying for no apparent reason, regretful about the experience, having negative thoughts about oneself or one's partner, feeling emotionally drained, or developing an intense urge to distance oneself from others.

These feelings may accompany physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, and overwhelming guilt. In some cases, these symptoms can become so distressing that they interfere with a person's daily life.

It is important to stress that these feelings do not reflect any fault on the part of the person experiencing them. Instead, they indicate an individual's mental health status at a given moment. Furthermore, it should be noted that PCD is a widespread phenomenon amongst people who have engaged in consensual sexual activities – estimates suggest that up to 43% of people have experienced PCD at least once in their lives.

Many experts believe that PCD may be linked with hormones such as oxytocin and vasopressin, released during sexual activity; however, further research needs to be conducted before this theory can be confirmed. There may also be psychological factors, such as guilt associated with certain aspects of a particular encounter or relationship, which could lead to PCD development.

How to Manage Postcoital Dysphoria?

The first and most crucial step to managing postcoital dysphoria is to talk about it with a trusted friend or therapist. This will give you a safe place to express your feelings and resolve any underlying issues. Some lifestyle adjustments may help reduce the intensity of these emotions. Practising healthy coping mechanisms such as mindfulness meditation or journaling can help manage stress levels while allowing you to process your feelings constructively.

It's also important to practice self-care activities such as getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising regularly, and avoiding alcohol and drugs. These activities will help regulate your emotions, so they don't spiral out of control during intimate moments with a partner.

Additionally, it may be helpful to engage in thoughtful conversations with your partner about consent and boundaries that both of you feel comfortable with before engaging in any sexual activity. Knowing where both people stand on topics, such as contraception or sexual desires, can prevent any potential disappointments or misunderstandings from happening later down the road.

Suppose you still struggle with postcoital dysphoria despite making lifestyle changes or discussing your emotions with a friend or therapist. In that case, medications available may relieve the negative feelings associated with this condition. A doctor should always be consulted before taking any medicines for PCD as they can prescribe appropriate treatment based on individual circumstances and needs.

10 Steps to Reduce Your Sexual Anxiety

If you're struggling with sexual anxiety, you're not alone. Many people experience performance anxiety or body image issues that make their sex life challenging.

Trusted Psychics live psychic readers have put together some things you can do to reduce your sexual anxiety and have more pleasurable sexual experiences:

  1. Talk about your feelings of anxiety with your partner. Discussing your stress can help to reduce its power over you.
  2. Set the scene for relaxation. Choose a time and place where you feel comfortable and relaxed. If you're worried about performance, try focusing on pleasurable bodily sensations.
  3. Take things slowly. Don't put performance pressure on yourself or pressure to make yourself or your partner orgasm. Instead, focus on enjoying the sensations of touch and intimacy.
  4. One way to lessen performance anxiety is to focus on the sensations you're feeling in the moment rather than thinking about the future.
  5. Breathe deeply and relax your muscles. Anxiety can cause muscle tension, so focusing on relaxation can help reduce both mental and physical stress.
  6. Use visualisation techniques. Imagine yourself where you feel calm and confident and use that image to help reduce your anxiety and guilt.
  7. Try different types of stimulation. If one activity is causing anxiety, experiment with other forms of stimulation, such as oral sex or different positions.
  8. Don't forget foreplay. Spending time on activities that increase arousal can help decrease anxiety by having sex less daunting and enjoyable.
  9. Be accepting of yourself and your body. Remember that everyone is different, and there is no "right" way to look or feel during sex. Accepting yourself can help reduce body image issues and performance anxiety alike.
  10. Seek professional help if necessary. If you find that self-help techniques aren't reducing your sexual anxiety or sex leaves you with a sense of guilt, consider seeking professional counselling or therapy from a sex therapist or other qualified mental health professional. Some people even go for readings with psychic relationship specialists to help them find answers on a more spiritual level.

How to Know If You Are Just Being Used for Sex?

It can be challenging to tell if someone is using you for sex, but some warning signs can alert you to the possibility. Suppose a person seems only interested in physical intimacy and not in getting to know you or showing any emotional connection outside the bedroom. In that case, this could be a sign that there is only sexual attraction and not love. If a partner refuses to spend time with you outside of engaging in sexual activities or keeps their distance when socialising as a couple, this could be a red flag.

Another essential thing to consider is whether your physical relationship has been discussed openly and honestly; do they seem unwilling or resistant to talk about it? If they refuse to use protection or don't respect your boundaries, these could be signs that they view your relationship as solely physical and not a romantic relationship.

In some cases, if the other person is constantly trying to manipulate and control you into doing something sexual, even when it doesn't feel right. This also indicates that they may just be using you for sex without any genuine interest in forming a deeper emotional bond. Additionally, suppose your partner disappears soon after engaging in sexual activities. This may be another clear sign that they all wanted physical pleasure without any desire for further commitment or involvement.

It's important to remember, though, that all relationships are different, and so the signs of being used for sex will vary from one situation to the next. Recognising potential warning signs early on and paying attention to verbal and nonverbal communication can help give insight into whether someone's feelings towards you are genuine or just based on physical desires alone.

Psychics Can Help With Your Intimacy Issues

Psychics can be a great help if you are struggling with intimacy issues. Their non-judgmental and understanding nature makes them experts in love and relationships, which is why more and more people are turning to live psychics for help with their sex lives.

When it comes to intimate relationships, trust is often at the core. When confidence is lacking, we can struggle to be vulnerable; sharing our true selves with another person can become incredibly difficult. A psychic reading can help us uncover why we don't trust our partner so we can work on resolving them together. Additionally, psychics can give us greater insight into ourselves - helping us better understand our wants and needs.

This level of self-awareness can be vital in creating meaningful relationships or reigniting existing ones.

If you're ready to take a deeper look into your issues with emotional intimacy, consider consulting a reputable live psychic reader by phone or online. Live readers have experience guiding such sensitive topics; they will listen without judgement and offer advice tailored to your situation without bias.

Before connecting with any psychic reader, spend some time reading their customer reviews to ensure they are experienced in the area you wish to speak about. The best psychic readers will have many 5-star positive customer reviews, giving you peace of mind that you are getting good service from someone with the best interests at heart.

Why Call Trusted Psychics for a Love Reading?

Trusted Psychics has become renowned for their professional love experts, providing in-depth and confidential readings by phone, SMS, live messenger service or video chat. They have a wide variety of experienced live psychic readers available at any time of the day or night for your convenience, providing you with a reliable source of advice and guidance regarding matters of the heart.

With years of expertise and an unrivalled passion for helping people with all aspects of relationships and romance, Trusted Psychics' live readers are known for their insightful readings that can provide clarity and direction to those seeking answers about their love lives. Whether it's relationship advice, guidance on finding new love or simply gaining further understanding of your own emotions and feelings – Trusted Psychics can help.

Each reader is highly trained in a range of tarot card readings as well as astrology and numerology, which combine to give detailed insights into each situation. All readings provided by Trusted Psychics are completely confidential; no matter your question, trust them to give answers that will bring light to all issues surrounding love.

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