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What Is Body Language?

Published 18/03/2024 by Joanne Jones

What Is Body Language?

Body language refers to individuals' nonverbal cues and signals to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. While spoken language is a powerful tool for communication, studies have shown that body language can convey just as much information, if not more, than words alone.

Body Language Meaning

Psychological research has found that up to 90% of human communication is nonverbal. This means we constantly send and receive messages through our body language, consciously and unconsciously.

For example, crossing our arms can indicate defensiveness or being closed off, while leaning in can signify interest or engagement.

Here are examples of Body Language by the UK's leading body language experts:

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are often the most visible and immediate indicators of a person's emotional state. There are many different types of facial expressions, each with its own unique meaning.

For example, a smile can indicate happiness, friendliness, or even sarcasm, depending on the context and the accompanying body language. A frown, on the other hand, can convey sadness, disappointment, or disapproval.


Among the various components of body language, the eyes hold a significant position as they convey a range of emotions and attitudes.

The meaning of eye contact or gaze can differ depending on the context, culture, and personal preferences. Direct eye-to-eye contact indicates confidence, sincerity, and honesty. It shows that the person is interested and engaged in the conversation or activity.

On the other hand, avoiding eye contact or looking away can indicate discomfort, dishonesty, or disinterest. It can be a nonverbal signal of respect or submission in some Latin cultures.

Prolonged or intense eye contact indicates negative body language that can signal aggression, dominance, or intimacy, depending on the situation.

Apart from eye contact, the movement and direction of the eyes can also reveal important information. For instance, looking up or to the side can indicate recalling memories or thinking, while looking down can suggest shyness, guilt, or submission.

Rapid eye movements or blinking can be a sign of nervousness or anxiety, while slow and deliberate eye movements can indicate confidence or contemplation.


Body language experts believe that the mouth is one of the most expressive parts of the human body. Your mouth can give visual communication indicating happiness and contentment to sadness, anger, and fear.

For example, a smile can indicate friendliness and warmth, while a frown or pursed lips may signal disapproval or discontent.

The mouth conveys emotions and can provide important clues about a person's thoughts and intentions. For instance, pursed lips may indicate that someone is holding back their opinions or feelings, while a slack jaw may suggest that they are open and receptive to new ideas.

The mouth conveys emotions and can also provide important nonverbal signals about a person's thoughts and intentions. For instance, pursed lips may indicate that someone is holding back their opinions or feelings, while a slack jaw may suggest that they are open and receptive to new ideas.

By paying attention to the subtle nuances of mouth movements and expressions, one can gain valuable insights into the human psyche's inner workings and better understand those around us' motivations and intentions.


Gestures are one of the most common forms of body language, and they can express a wide range of meanings.

For example, a warm smile is a well-known gesture that communicates happiness, joy, and friendliness. However, how a smile is expressed can vary greatly, and this can affect the meaning behind the gesture.

A genuine, heartfelt smile typically involves the entire face, with the eyes crinkling at the corners and the cheeks lifting. On the other hand, a fake smile with a head tilt usually involves only the mouth, with no movement in the eyes or cheeks.

Other common gestures include nodding and indicating agreement, approval, or understanding. A slow, deliberate nod can indicate that the individual is listening and engaged in the information they are receiving, while a quick, jerky nod might suggest impatience or frustration.

Crossing the arms can sometimes indicate defensiveness, anger, or discomfort. In other situations, it is a comfortable or customary position for the person to stand or sit in.

While some gestures may have universal meanings across cultures and languages, others can be highly specific to certain contexts or individuals.

To truly understand the body language of others, it's essential to pay attention to the context, consider the person's personality and communication style, and look for multiple body language cues that can help piece together the overall meaning.

Arms and Legs

Arms and legs are crucial components of body language as they often significantly convey a person's emotions, intentions, and attitudes. The position, movement, and gestures of arms and legs can indicate various meanings, ranging from confidence to discomfort, aggression to submissiveness, and interest to disinterest.

Crossing arms and legs, for instance, is widely interpreted as a defensive or guarded posture, implying that the person is not open to communication or interaction. Conversely, uncrossed arms and legs, with palms facing up, represent an open and receptive attitude, indicating that the person is ready to listen and engage.

Another common body language sign is hand gestures, which can significantly enhance or detract from communication. For instance, pointing a finger is often seen as aggressive or accusatory, while a palm-up gesture can indicate an offering or a request for help.

Moreover, the speed and direction of arm and leg movements can also convey different meanings. For example, rapid and jerky movements signify nervousness or anxiety, while slow and measured movements imply confidence or authority.

Understanding body language is multifaceted and complex. It is essential to pay attention to a person's position, movement, and gestures to better understand their intentions and emotions.


Posture is an essential aspect of body language as it can convey a wealth of information about a person's mood, intentions, and personality traits.

For example, a person who stands tall with their shoulders back and chest out may be perceived as confident and self-assured. On the other hand, a person who has a relaxed posture may be perceived as lazy, disinterested, or lacking in confidence.

Posture can also convey power dynamics in social interactions. A person who occupies more physical space through expansive postures may be perceived as dominant, while someone who takes up less space may be seen as submissive or obedient.

Additionally, posture can be used to signal interest or disinterest in a conversation. For example, leaning in towards someone while speaking indicates engagement and attentiveness, while leaning away may suggest disinterest or discomfort.

Furthermore, body posture can also impact a person's physical health. Poor posture, such as a hunched back, can cause neck and joint pain and discomfort. Conversely, proper posture can help prevent these issues and promote good health.

Personal Space

Personal space refers to the physical distance between two individuals that makes it comfortable for them to interact with each other. This concept varies depending on the individual's cultural background and relationship.

Generally, personal space can be divided into four zones - intimate, personal, social, and public. From 0 to 18 inches is the intimate zone reserved for close family, friends, and intimate partners.

From 18 inches to 4 feet is the personal distance between acquaintances or friends.

From 4 to 12 feet is reserved for business or formal interactions.

The public zone is from 12 feet and beyond and is used for public speaking, performances, and other public gatherings.

Social norms and cultural values govern the use of personal space. Different cultures have different norms regarding personal space.

Middle Eastern cultures tend to have much less personal distance than Western cultures. This difference in physical distance can lead to misunderstandings or discomfort between individuals from different cultures.

Body language can also be used to express discomfort or disinterest in the interaction. People tend to lean back or move away when uncomfortable with someone invading their personal space. On the other hand, individuals may lean in or move closer when they are interested or comfortable with the interaction.

What Is Alpha Body Language?

Alpha Body Language is a set of nonverbal cues and signals that exude a sense of dominance, confidence, and assertiveness. This type of positive body language is associated with leadership, power, and authority traits. Individuals often use it to communicate their status or position in a group or social setting.

Some common examples of Alpha Body Language include standing tall with shoulders back, maintaining eye contact, and using firm handshakes. These gestures are believed to convey a sense of dominance and control. They can be especially effective when trying to establish authority or gain respect from others.

Recent research has shown that Alpha Body Language can impact on how others perceive us and influence our thoughts and behaviours. For example, individuals who adopt more dominant body language tend to feel more confident and assertive, which can, in turn, lead to greater success in social and professional settings.

What Is Body Language in Communication?

Body language is nonverbal communication that uses facial expressions, gestures, posture, and other physical actions to convey meaning. It is an essential component of interpersonal communication and impacts our interactions with others.

Studies have shown that body language can account for up to 93% of our impressions of others, making it a powerful form of nonverbal communication.

Understanding and using body postures effectively can enhance our ability to communicate with others and build stronger relationships. So, the next time you communicate with someone, pay attention to their body language and use your own to convey your message effectively.

What Percent of Communication Is Body Language?

According to research, around 55% of non-verbal communication is conveyed through body language. This means that more than half of our interactions with others are influenced by nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye contact.

In addition, tone of voice and other vocal cues account for another 38% of communication, leaving only 7% for the actual words used.

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Another benefit of having regular psychic readings is that it can help individuals connect with their spiritual selves and cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. Through these readings, individuals can gain insight into their spiritual path and receive guidance on aligning their lives with their spiritual values and beliefs.

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What Are the 4 Types of Body Language?

There are 4 different types of body language that have different meanings and interpretations. Here are the four types of body language from the body language experts at Trusted Psychics:

  1. Facial expressions: They refer to the various expressions conveyed through the movements of the face. These can range from a smile to a frown, raised eyebrows, or a furrowed brow. Facial expressions are often considered the most important form of body language, as they can reveal a person's emotions and attitude.
  2. Posture: Body postures can convey much information about a person's confidence, energy level, and mood. For example, standing up straight and tall can signal confidence and assertiveness, while slouching can indicate a lack of confidence or interest.
  3. Gestures: They are physical movements used to express thoughts, emotions, or ideas. They can include hand gestures, head movements, and body movements. For example, pointing can draw attention to something, while shrugging can indicate uncertainty or lack of knowledge.
  4. Eye contact: Is considered a form of nonverbal communication that involves looking directly into someone's eyes. It can indicate a range of emotions and attitudes, such as trust, interest, or aggression. In many cultures, eye contact is often considered a sign of respect and attentiveness.

By understanding body language, we can gain valuable insights into an individual's thoughts, emotions, and intentions and better understand the nature of our interactions with them.

Read our article on the 4 Attachment Styles.

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