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How to Meditate?

Published 15/08/2024 by Olivia Woods

How to Meditate?

What Is Meditation?

Meditation, a strategy that trains the mind to focus intensively on a single object for a prolonged amount of time, is not just for the physically fit. Its techniques are varied and can suit all levels of fitness, making it accessible to everyone. Even those with physical limitations can enjoy the benefits of meditation in a sitting position as a mindfulness practice focusing on deep breathing and relaxation techniques.

There are various types of meditation, and not every type may suit you. The goal of meditation is to teach one to focus and reorient one's thoughts on the present and self-awareness.

Your mental and physical health can benefit from mindfulness meditation's serenity and equilibrium.

By directing your attention to something that makes you feel better, you can utilise it for relaxation and alleviating stress for an improved quality of life.

Practising mindfulness meditation consistently could enable you to calm your mind and concentrate on yourself.‎

Why Learn How to Meditate?

For beginners, the benefits of meditation are numerous. It helps you understand and compassionately manage difficult emotions and physical anxiety. It also lessens your stress levels and makes you feel more at ease in your daily life. These benefits can be a strong motivation for beginners to start and maintain a meditation practice.

Enhancing focus, eliminating brain disorders, and boosting emotional wellness are the consequences of regular meditation, fostering a more enthusiastic and equitable perspective.

Regular meditation practice also improves relationships, increases self-awareness, improves the quality of sleep, and strengthens the immune system. Meditation also sharpens the mind, which means you'll be more competent to cope with life's adversities.‎

Read our guide on how to create a meditation space.

How to Meditate?

How to Meditate for Beginners


Finding the time to meditate can be challenging, but consistent daily practice delivers superior outcomes. A reasonable rule of thumb is twenty minutes of meditation, although there is no hard and fast rule about the optimal duration of a meditation session.

Meditate first thing in the morning to prepare yourself for the day and again before bed to help you calm and unwind. Everyone must identify their daily routine, so it's okay if this isn't viable for you.‎


Nothing special is required for meditation; you only need a warm, cosy place to sit. You can use a yoga mat if you prefer sitting cross-legged on the surface of the ground or a meditation cushion, but a rug or towel would do fine as well.

Some individuals like to sit on their beds or in chairs. The two primary factors are ensuring you are relaxed and capable of maintaining your equilibrium up straight. This simplicity reassures beginners that they can start their meditation practice with ease.


One approach is to tune into your senses on purpose. Put your eyes closed and direct your attention to your other senses once you're at ease.

Focusing on the sensation of breathing is an excellent technique for beginners to meditate by bringing you into the present moment.

Get settled and choose a peaceful spot to sit. Relax by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath as it circulates through your lungs. Pay attention to the subtle odours in the air, the vibrations around you, or the way your body feels as you breathe.

Return your focus to these sensory experiences progressively if your thoughts drift. You can learn to be more attentive and at peace with the consistent application of this mindful awareness.‎


Focus on how your body feels with each breath. Get into a relaxed sitting position. Take a deep breath through your nose while tightening your jaw and closing your mouth.

Contemplate the air departing your lungs as you gently let your breath out and let your abdomen relax. When you are just starting out with meditation, this breathing technique could potentially calm your anxiety and lower your heart rate.‎


Mind wandering is a normal aspect of meditation, so keep that in mind. It's normal to have a wandering mind from time to time; it's just a part of learning. Even meditation experts will occasionally lose concentration.

Keeping our attention on the breath becomes more challenging unless we are aware of when our thoughts wander and actively redirect them. When you initially meditate and find that your thoughts diverge, remind yourself that you are trying.

How to Meditate in Bed

Peaceful Environment

When meditating before bed, it's best to take it easy and set the proper atmosphere. When preparing for a restorative night's sleep, it's beneficial to consider the ambience of your bedroom and your preferred sleeping posture.

Make your bedroom a peaceful haven. Put on loose, comfy apparel that doesn't bother your skin or impede you from nodding asleep. Maintain the temperature pleasant and turn down the brightness of the lights.‎

Comfortable Position

Finding a comfortable spot for your meditation can be In bed, where you have the option of either sitting or lying down. You should do whatever makes you feel the most at ease.

Lying down might be more beneficial for you if you want to fall asleep quickly following your meditation practice. This is because lying down would prevent you from waking yourself up by snuggling under the blankets.

How to Meditate?

Turn Off Screens

Turn off all electronic devices, including phones, tablets, and televisions, before beginning to meditate. This will create an atmosphere that is easier to relax and concentrate in, with fewer distractions. You should also turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime since the blue light they release can disrupt your meditation.‎

Relaxing Sounds

Put on some soothing tunes or recordings of nature to help you settle. These can assist in establishing a peaceful environment, which in turn can facilitate meditation and relaxation before sleep.

Wearing earbuds will help you focus on meditation guides or other music by shutting out outside interference.‎

Read our article on how to clean your chakras.

Spiritual Readings With Trusted Psychics

With the help of Trusted Psychics, you may unlock the life-changing potential of spiritual meditation. No matter how long or short your meditation practice has been, our specialists can help you find your way to serenity and clarity.

A simple yet deep method to improve your spiritual health, alleviate stress, and engage with your true self is to meditate.

You can enhance your practice or begin again with clarity and assurance with the help of our spiritual readings, which offer personalised insights and guidance to deal with difficult situations.

No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, making time to meditate every day will significantly benefit you.

Trusted Psychics can help you explore why this beneficial technique can enhance your life.‎ Discover the various types of meditation, from walking meditation to yoga poses and focused meditation, which can all be beneficial with regular practice.


How Do You Properly Meditate?

Meditation for beginners involves finding a peaceful area, sitting comfortably, and devoting your energy to your breath.

Let your abdomen expand as you inhale deeply, and let go of stress as you exhale slowly. If your attention wanders from your breath, gently bring it back to the present moment by clearing your mind of all distractions. Consistent practice will enhance your expertise.‎

How Do Beginners Start Meditating?

Finding a quiet spot where you are comfortable is the fundamental step for people who have never practised meditation before.

Gradually increase the duration of your workouts by starting with shorter ones. When your mind wanders, bring it back to your breathing. Keeping up with a consistent meditation practice is essential.‎

What to Think While Meditating?

Focus on respiration or a mantra rather than specific thoughts for optimal meditation. Accept suggestions without judgment and gently focus on the challenge at hand. The ultimate goal is to be present in the moment rather than absorbed by emotions.‎

What Are the 5 Steps of Meditation?

Effective meditation begins with a quiet place to meditate.

  1. Start with a natural position with your back aligned and hands on either side of you.
  2. Second, close your eyes and focus on breathing, noticing how you inhale and exhale.
  3. Third, make a conscious effort to focus on breathing when thoughts develop.
  4. Fourth, concentrate on the moment presently. As you conclude your meditation, appreciate the peace and insight you gained.‎
  5. Lastly, this should become part of your everyday life for successful meditation.

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