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How to Reduce Anxiety?

Published 05/03/2024 by Joanne Jones

How to Reduce Anxiety?

Signs of Anxiety

Many people experience anxiety on a daily basis, but it becomes problematic when it starts to interfere with daily activities and relationships.

Anxiety can lead to decreased productivity, difficulty maintaining personal and professional relationships, and even impact one's physical health.

Some common signs of anxiety include avoidance behaviours, such as avoiding social situations or specific triggers that may cause anxious thoughts or feelings. A person may also exhibit changes in behaviour, such as withdrawing from activities they once enjoyed or becoming increasingly irritable and agitated.

Paying attention to these signs and seeking help if necessary is essential.

Understanding the most common signs of anxiety is crucial for seeking timely support and intervention. With proper treatment and self-care practices, individuals can learn to effectively control their symptoms and improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

While experiencing occasional anxiety is normal, it becomes a cause for concern when anxious feelings interfere with daily life. People with anxiety disorders should seek advice from health professionals who can provide various treatment options to take control of anxiety.

Fast Heart Rate

Feelings of anxiety can result in frequently encountering a racing heart, a condition medically termed as tachycardia. This rapid heartbeat can feel like one's heart is pounding or fluttering, often occurring even without any physical activity.

An increase heart rate is a physiological response triggered by the body's fight or flight system, designed to prepare individuals for perceived threats.

While a fast heart rate can be a normal reaction to specific situations, its persistent occurrence without a clear reason could be a clear warning sign of an anxiety disorder and should be addressed by healthcare.

Breathing Fast

Fast breathing, also known as hyperventilation, is a frequent sign of anxiety and can contribute to the cycle of anxiety and panic. When an individual is anxious, their breathing pattern often changes—becoming more rapid and shallow.

This alteration can result in the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide becoming imbalanced, further exacerbating symptoms of anxiety such as dizziness, a feeling of suffocation, and an increased heart rate.

Weak Muscles

Muscle weakness—or asthenia—is another prevalent yet frequently overlooked physical symptom of anxiety. When someone is experiencing an anxiety attack, it's common for their muscles to feel drained or fatigued, as though they've been involved in strenuous physical activity without exerting themselves.

The sensation of weak muscles can be particularly unsettling when it interferes with routine tasks and can add to the individual's stress levels, creating a vicious cycle where anxiety begets more anxiety.


Excessive sweating is another sign that can indicate the presence of anxiety.

Anxiety-induced sweating is particularly prevalent during times of stress or nervousness and is not solely confined to the underarms; it can affect the palms, soles of the feet, face, and other areas of the body.

This physiological reaction is part of the body's natural fight or flight response, where an increase in adrenaline leads to a rise in body temperature and, consequently, sweating. Understanding the causes of anxiety and finding ways to cope with stress can help reduce excessive sweating and improve overall comfort for individuals struggling with this anxiety symptom.

Stomach Churning

The gastrointestinal (GI) system is another area commonly affected by anxiety, with one of the hallmark signs being stomach churning. This sensation, often described as "butterflies in the stomach" or a sense of unease in the GI tract, directly results from the body's fight-or-flight response.

When people feel anxious or threatened, they release hormones that can increase stomach acid and speed up or slow down their digestion, causing discomfort and sometimes pain.

Lack of Concentration

A common yet often overlooked sign of anxiety is a lack of concentration. This symptom can present itself in many forms, such as trouble focusing on tasks, being easily distracted, or having a mind that seems to 'wander.'

People with anxiety may find that their thoughts are consumed by worries or constant anticipation of negative outcomes, which can significantly impede their ability to stay present and attentive to the task at hand. This fragmented attention disrupts work and productivity and affects interpersonal relationships and daily life activities.

Feeling Dizzy

Dizziness is another often-neglected symptom of anxiety, manifesting as a feeling of light-headedness or a sensation of being unsteady or off-balance. This sensation can be disconcerting and may lead to a fear of fainting, even though actual fainting incidents are rare in anxiety disorders.

The dizziness associated with anxiety is typically a result of hyperventilation, which occurs when people breathe too quickly or too deeply, often in response to feeling panicked or distressed. This leads to shortness of breath, resulting in decreased carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, which can cause a light-headed feeling and a range of other bodily reactions.

During these episodes, a person's environment might seem surreal or distorted, further contributing to their unease and anxiety. It's this very interplay between the physical sensations and the resultant psychological distress that can make anxiety symptoms like dizziness a persistent issue for individuals with anxiety disorders.

Social Anxiety

Social avoidance is another major sign of social anxiety. Individuals may turn down invitations, avoid eye contact, or remain silent in group settings to minimise the risk of judgment.

This avoidance can lead to diminished social skills, a smaller social circle, and a feeling of isolation, which can, in some cases, lead to depression.

A key sign of social anxiety is excessive self-consciousness, which often manifests in social situations.

The affected individuals constantly feel like they are being judged or scrutinised by others, which leads to immense distress and can hinder their ability to perform daily tasks such as speaking in public or even engaging in small talk. This fear of embarrassment or humiliation often leads to avoiding stressful situations like social gatherings and can severely limit personal and professional opportunities.

Lack of Appetite

An often-overlooked sign of anxiety is a change in appetite, particularly a diminished desire to eat.

Anxiety can trigger a disruption in the body's normal hunger cues. This happens because stress and anxiety can activate the sympathetic nervous system, where the body prioritises immediate survival over functions like digestion, which can lead to the suppression of hunger.

This lack of appetite can have a ripple effect, causing nutritional deficiencies and weight loss, which may, in turn, contribute to a person's stress levels and anxiety, creating a compounding cycle.

A profound loss of appetite can also lead to another indicator of anxiety: significant weight changes. When coupled with heightened stress levels, individuals may neglect their nutritional needs and skip meals, resulting in unintended weight loss.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, medically referred to as xerostomia, is a lesser-known sign of anxiety. Dry mouth symptoms occur when the salivary glands do not produce sufficient saliva to moisten the mouth.

Anxiety can affect the body's autonomic nervous system, which controls salivation, reducing saliva production. The sensation of a dry mouth might exacerbate feelings of stress or worry, especially in social settings or when one needs to speak publicly.

Recognising dry mouth as a symptom of anxiety is crucial for addressing both the physical discomfort and the anxiety that may be underlying this condition.

Tense Muscles

Tense muscles, or muscle tension, are common physiological signs of anxiety that many individuals experience.

This tension can be felt in various body parts, including the neck, shoulders, and back, often resulting from the body's natural fight or flight response. Chronic anxiety can lead to a continuous state of tension in the musculature, which not only causes discomfort but can also exacerbate the cycle of stress and anxiety.

As the body remains perpetually primed for action, individuals may find it difficult to relax, which in turn can interfere with sleep and contribute further to feelings of anxiousness.

How a Psychic Reading Can Help to Reduce Anxiety?

Find Clarity in Life 

A psychic reading can be a tool to help you find clarity and direction. By allowing individuals to explore the deeper questions of their lives and the potential paths they can take, a reading can reveal insights that might otherwise remain obscured.

This newfound clarity can help alleviate symptoms of intense anxiety by providing a clear sense of purpose and a more focused approach to one's life, which can be incredibly comforting and empowering for someone struggling with indecision and worry.

Find Inner Peace

Psychic readings can inspire a sense of inner peace by connecting individuals with their innermost feelings and intuitions. The experience can foster a deep understanding and acceptance of personal truths, releasing accumulated emotional tension. As a result, many find that their psychic reading promotes emotional settling—an unwinding of inner conflict that contributes to anxiety, leading to a more tranquil state of mind.

Find Closure

Anxiety can often stem from unresolved issues or lingering questions about the past. Through a psychic reading, individuals may find the closure they need by addressing these unresolved elements, helping them move forward.

By re-examining past events from a new perspective or reconciling with outcomes, a person's anxious grip on "what-ifs" and "could-have-been" can be loosened, paving the way for inner peace, and getting one's anxiety under control.

Find a Sense of Relief

A psychic reading can offer reassuring validation of one's feelings and experiences, which alone can provide considerable relief. For those burdened by high anxiety levels, the affirmation of their emotions and the acknowledgement of their challenges can lift a significant weight off their shoulders.

Knowing that their concerns are seen and validated can diminish feelings of isolation and help them begin to process and release their anxiety.

Foods That Reduce Anxiety

Alongside psychic insights, the health benefits of a balanced diet, with foods known to combat anxiety, can be beneficial in managing mental health issues such as anxiety.

  • Salmon - A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon can support brain health and mood regulation.
  • Chamomile - Chamomile is often consumed in tea form for its calming effects.
  • Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that may lower anxiety by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • Dark Chocolate - Dark chocolate, in moderation, can improve mood through increased serotonin.
  • Yoghurt - Natural yoghurt contains beneficial bacteria that may positively affect brain health.
  • Green Tea - Green tea contains L-theanine, which can provide relaxing effects without drowsiness.
  • Almonds - Almonds are loaded with magnesium, which can help manage anxiety,
  • Blueberries - Blueberries are antioxidant powerhouses that may reduce stress-related inflammation.
  • Eggs - Eggs are a great source of vitamin D and B vitamins that play a role in regulating mood.

Learning about the importance of your diet in combination with other anxiety-reducing strategies may enhance overall well-being.


How Can I Relieve Anxiety Fast?

1. Focused breathing techniques

Breathing exercises help activate the body's relaxation response, counteracting the heightened state of arousal that anxiety induces. Engaging in deep breaths for several minutes can bring immediate relief by reducing heart rate and blood pressure, signalling your body that it's time to relax.

2. Physical activity

Regular exercise releases endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators proven to reduce stress levels. Any exercise is a powerful stress reducer; even a short walk can distract from anxious thoughts and reduce the body's stress hormones. Regular physical activity has been proven to improve sleep quality, which can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

3. Grounding techniques

Grounding techniques can quickly relieve anxiety by redirecting focus to the present moment. One such method is the "5-4-3-2-1" technique, which involves identifying five items and focusing on those items - 5 things you can see, four objects you can feel, three sounds you can hear, two objects you can smell, and one you can taste. This mindfulness exercise helps draw attention away from the source of anxiety and reorients your senses to your current environment, promoting a calming effect.

What Is the 3 3 3 Rule for Anxiety?

The "3-3-3 rule" is an easy method to help those experiencing anxiety regain their composure and ground themselves in the present.

When anxiety strikes, you engage with your surroundings to distract yourself from anxious thoughts. Start by looking around and naming three things you see. Then, move on to three sounds you hear. Finally, move three parts of your body – such as your ankle, fingers, or arm. This practice is beneficial because it encourages mindfulness, focusing the mind on immediate sensory experiences and diverting attention away from distressing sensations or panic.

What Are the 3 Coping Resources for Anxiety?

  1. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is one such resource, which focuses on understanding negative thought patterns that fuel anxiety, replacing them with more balanced and positive ways of thinking.
  2. Support groups and live psychic readers, where individuals can share experiences and coping strategies in a safe and understanding environment, often feeling less alone in their struggles.
  3. Medication prescribed by a healthcare professional can be beneficial in the management of anxiety, especially for those with severe symptoms that impair daily functioning. These medications can help to regulate chemical imbalances in the brain that contribute to anxiety.

What Are the 5 Types of Coping Strategies for Anxiety?

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: This strategy involves staying present in the moment and observing one's thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): PMR is a technique that involves gradually tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in the body. This can reduce the physical tension that anxiety often creates.
  3. Problem-Solving: Sometimes anxiety stems from solvable concerns. Identifying the problem and creating a plan to address it can alleviate related anxiety.
  4. Journaling: Writing down feelings every day can provide an outlet for expression and help individuals process their anxiety by reflecting on what is causing them stress.
  5. Self-Care: Engaging in activities that you enjoy can be beneficial to your overall well-being; also, getting adequate sleep, eating nutritiously, and participating in enjoyable activities can enhance one's overall resilience to stress.

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