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How to Deal With Job Rejection?

Published 05/07/2024 by Olivia Woods

How to Deal With Job Rejection?

There's always excitement when you apply for a job. However, the sad truth is that not everyone will get the job they want or pass their first interview with flying colours. That's why we are here to help you with your job search and figure out how to deal with job rejection so you find your dream job.

How to Deal With Job Rejection?

Many people don't know how to deal with job rejection, and they always think it's something personal, but it’s important to see things from the other perspective. Companies tend to have multiple applicants, sometimes dozens, for a single position within their business.

That means it's always going to be a business decision. With that in mind, you should always apply for positions where you have the experience or qualifications required for the job role, which will increase your chances of being offered the position.

Just because you were rejected after an interview means that there was someone who was considered a stronger candidate. That's why you always want to avoid randomly applying to stuff; instead, focus on those jobs that truly matter and where you can actively provide value.

Why Job Rejection Happens?

Job rejections are a normal part of the hiring process. You will end up being rejected occasionally, and that's sometimes a good thing as the position may not have been suitable for you.

There Was a Better-Suited Candidate

One of the primary reasons the hiring manager may have rejected you is they believed they had found a better-suited candidate. It's very common for this to happen, and the main reason this happens is because another candidate has qualifications that fit that specific job role.

Remember that you are not the only person applying for a job. There is often a high number of applicants, which is why it is crucial to be well-prepared before your interview.

However, some jobs have very specific requirements that another candidate may have, so gaining any further experience, such as taking a college course, will show the interviewer that you are keen to follow your chosen career path.

If you are rejected for the position, this is the time to examine your interview technique, how you presented yourself, and the questions you asked during the interview.

The Job Position Changed or Was Cancelled

Sometimes, a job position has been cancelled or changed. When that happens, the job post is either removed or the previous post is updated. If this does happen, you must ensure that you understand what has changed and that you are still a good fit for that specific position.

Realistically, these situations are common and have nothing to do with you or your skills. Instead, the company wants to update their listing to ensure they choose applicants with the best skill set.

In today's job market, it's vital to constantly look for ways to optimise and enhance your knowledge, which may put you in front of other candidates. Eventually, you will find the perfect job for you, and that's what matters the most.

You Didn’t Tie Your Skills and Experience to the Role

People need to link the skills they have in their CVs to the role. So, make sure what you’re applying for is the right role and the right fit for your requirements. So, you want to apply for roles that are the right fit for your skill set, the working hours are acceptable, and the job location is acceptable.

Having the relevant experience or training for the position gives you an advantage over other applicants applying for the position. During your interview, you need to convince your prospective employer to accept you on the grounds that you're the best fit for that job over anyone else. Of course, that doesn't mean you'll get the job, but it surely will increase your chances.

How to Deal With Job Rejection?

Whenever you are rejected from a job, you must understand that it's not always your fault. The reality is that there are different kinds of reasons and underlying situations that may result in a job rejection.

How you handle the rejection should be constructive, focusing on moving forward without self-doubt or future anxieties.

Know That It's Not Personal

Remember that it's not personal whenever you are rejected from a job. You might not be the ideal fit for all kinds of reasons. As we said earlier, that doesn't mean it has to do with you. Most of the time, the reasons will vary and are well beyond your specific requirements or what you can do.

You must have realistic expectations about the job application process, as you might have to apply several times and go to several interviews before being offered a job.

Rejections are disappointing, but they allow you to prepare better for the next one, which increases your chance of success.

Practice Having a Growth Mindset

It's crucial to adopt this growth mindset, maintain a good attitude, and try your best, whatever the outcome.

In real terms, you will improve at being around people and dealing with challenges while gradually enhancing your people skills. However, there will be rejections and clear obstacles which is a fundamental part of the job seeking process.

Ask for Feedback

It always makes sense to ask for constructive feedback. Asking for feedback always comes in handy because you can understand why you were rejected. From there, you can improve on future interviews and refine your skills. These things can be a game-changer and increase your chance of success in finding your dream role.

It is challenging; to ask for feedback but can be extremely helpful and most recruiters are usually willing to help. Every bit of information can be beneficial.

Take a Fresh Approach in Your Next Interview

Don't keep a grudge on any former application; focus on having a fresh perspective with each interview. It's an exciting opportunity, so never allow older rejections to influence your feelings.

After all, this might be the one job opportunity that will result in you getting hired. It's essential to be well-prepared for the interview process by researching the company, fully understanding the job description, and working on your presentation skills.

Career Tarot Reading

A career tarot reading can benefit jobseekers, job-hoppers, or those looking for new career directions.

A career tarot reading can provide career advice and direction, home in on your natural talents and aptitudes, and your blind spots and areas for development. This can help you focus your job hunt endeavours, target the positions you'd be suited for, and feel more confident putting your best self out there to be hired.

Second, you can use a tarot reading to face your fears head-on and dissolve your concerns entirely. Tarot can help reveal motivations rooted in your subconscious mind that may remain hidden. It can help reduce your fear of rejection and provide guidance on the areas your prospective employer seeks in a new employee.

A professional tarot reading can help you understand your future opportunities.

By becoming familiar with your strengths and weaknesses and what really sparks your interest can make you feel more confident when it comes to searching for your dream career.

Thousands of people every day contact Trusted Psychics for a career reading as they have become well known for the accuracy of their readings, especially on careers. You can speak to a live psychic reader at any time via voice chat or live messenger service there are specials psychics waiting to take your call.

Read our guide on Career Tarot Spreads.


How Do You Deal With Not Being Selected for a Job?

Being rejected by an employer gives you the opportunity to think through how your application and interview performance could have been improved so that, next time, you can be a better job candidate.

This would require you to ask for feedback from the employer to recognise what you need to work on to become a stronger applicant in the future.

Alternatively, use the experience as a growth opportunity and take a training course or workshop to help you develop new skills and knowledge – or network with other industry professionals.

Is It Okay to Ask Why You Were Rejected for a Job Position?

If you ask for feedback from your interview, you may hear the following: 'You didn't apply enough experience.' 'You need to gain the skills we are looking for.' 'You don't seem to have the qualifications for the job.' 'You don't seem a good fit in our company.' 'There were just much better candidates than you.' Your interviewing skills need to be improved; this kind of feedback could benefit future job interviews.

Should You Respond to a Job Rejection?

If you have been rejected for a job you interviewed for, it is a good idea to thank the interviewer for letting you apply and interview you for the job. You could add a polite request for feedback on how to improve your skills and qualifications for future job opportunities.

This feedback could help improve your performance in future job applications and job interviews.

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