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What Is Spiritualism?

Published 10/03/2024 by Joanne Jones

What Is Spiritualism?

Spiritualism is the belief that individuals can communicate with people who have passed away and are now in the afterlife. Even though some people doubt it and think it's a bit controversial, spiritualism has significantly impacted religion, philosophy, and science since the 19th century.

Today, many people investigate spiritualism to grow personally and understand psychic happenings better. People might see spiritualism as a religion, a philosophical belief, or a way to discover more about themselves and the world beyond.

The Spiritualism movement's leading pioneer was a clergyman, William Stainton Moses, who founded the first spiritualist church in the USA. He also demonstrated automatic writing, where the subconscious mind connects with the spirit world to communicate with the living.

The first Sunday worship gatherings became popular on Sunday mornings by the 20th century. It's especially appealing to those seeking comfort or insight during tough times, emotional pain, or trying to answer big life questions.

Essentially, spiritualism helps people find peace and direction in their lives by connecting with the unseen and exploring deep questions about existence.

Spiritualism Meaning

At the heart of spiritualism lies a profound belief in life after death and the ability of spirits to communicate with the living. This belief stems from the notion that human consciousness survives physical death and transitions to a spiritual realm, where it can still interact with the material world.

According to spiritualists, disembodied spirits are keen to maintain a connection with the living for various reasons—some seek to offer comfort or guidance, others to complete unfinished business or impart wisdom acquired beyond the physical plane. These communications are often facilitated by spiritual mediums, who can tune into the spiritual frequency and relay messages from the beyond.


One of the core practices of spiritualism is mediumship, through which spirit mediums claim to facilitate communication with spirit between spirits and living individuals.

Spiritualist Mediums hold sessions, often called séances, which can take various forms, including but not limited to mental mediumship (telepathy, clairvoyance), physical mediumship (levitation, apports), and direct voice communication.

The purpose of these interactions ranges from seeking personal guidance to understanding life beyond physical existence. For individuals who believe in spiritualism, mediumship is seen as a powerful tool for healing and connecting with spirits from loved ones who have passed away. It offers comfort and closure to individuals grieving the loss of a loved one, as well as providing guidance for navigating life's challenges.

Trance mediumship is a form of communication between the living and the spiritual realm, where the trance medium enters an altered state of consciousness to facilitate messages from spirits.

This type of mediumship is often characterised by a deep trance or hypnotic state, in which the medium's conscious mind takes a backseat and allows for direct communication with spirits.

While in this state, the medium may exhibit physical manifestations such as speaking in a different voice or exhibiting movements and gestures that are not typical of their usual behaviour.

In more modern times, trance mediums gained popularity during the Spiritualist movement in the 19th century and continue to be used today by mediums at various spiritual readings and spiritual churches.


Spiritualism also emphasises the importance of personal growth and development. This includes practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and self-awareness.

Spiritualists believe that by connecting with their inner selves, they can better understand their purpose in life and achieve a higher level of consciousness.

Spiritualism promotes the idea that all individuals can connect with the spirit world and not just trained mediums. This belief in personal empowerment and self-discovery is a central tenet of spiritualism, encouraging individuals to explore their spirituality and find their path towards enlightenment in their everyday life.


Spiritualism also reflects a broader understanding of spirituality that transcends conventional religious boundaries.

Christian Spiritualist churches promote the idea that every individual possesses an inner spiritual reality that, when nurtured, can lead to deeper self-awareness and enlightenment. This perspective encourages meditation, prayer, and the moral endeavour to live in harmony with oneself and others.

Through these spiritual disciplines, followers believe they can intuitively understand the higher truths of existence and form a closer bond with the universal spirit.


The concept of karma also plays a significant role in spiritualism. It is believed that our actions and intentions in this life will have repercussions in the afterlife. Therefore, spiritualists strive to live a morally upright life, treating others with kindness and compassion.

This can also be seen in the spiritualist communities, where members often engage in charitable work and support social causes.

Spiritualism offers a unique perspective on life and death, emphasising personal spiritual experiences, growth, and social responsibility. It continues to draw followers worldwide who seek a deeper understanding of the universe and their place in it through direct communication with the spirit world.

Whether one is seeking solace after losing a loved one or exploring their spirituality, spiritualism offers a diverse and inclusive community to support and guide individuals on their journey.

Spiritualistic practices continue to evolve and adapt, remaining relevant in modern society as more people turn towards alternative belief systems for guidance and meaning in life. It is a testament to the enduring nature of spiritualism, which continues to touch the lives of countless individuals seeking connection, purpose, and enlightenment.

Read our guide on What is Karma? How Does It Work?

Spiritual Readings

The benefits of spiritual readings are vast and varied. They offer insight, guidance, and peace in people’s lives.

With the help of a Trusted Psychic spiritualist medium, people can embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and connection with the spiritual realm.

Many people turn to Trusted Psychics for a fulfilling and transformative spiritual reading experience. So, if you're feeling lost or seeking clarity in your life, consider a spiritual reading to discover the profound impact it can have on your journey towards understanding and inner peace.

The spiritualist mediums at Trusted Psychics have become well-recognised for their abilities due to their deep intuitive connections and the consistently accurate insights they provide.

Every spiritualist medium at Trusted Psychics undergoes a rigorous selection process that evaluates not only their psychic abilities but also their empathy, ethical standards, and the ability to communicate messages compassionately and understandably.

This combination of authentic spiritual connection and personal integrity has built Trusted Psychics a reputation for reliability and profound insight into the spiritual community.

Another key factor in recognising Trusted Psychics' mediums is their commitment to ongoing development and adherence to a strict ethical code. These mediums continually hone their skills through continuous learning and practice, ensuring they remain at the forefront of spiritualist mediumship. Coupled with this is a strict ethical code that governs their readings, emphasising respect for the client's autonomy, confidentiality, and emotional welfare.

This professional approach enhances the quality of the spiritual readings and fosters a safe and trusting environment for clients seeking spiritual guidance.

Individuals seeking a spiritual reading from Trusted Psychics can easily connect with a live psychic reader through phone chat, video chat or live messenger services available 24 hours a day. This ensures that no matter where clients are in the world or what time of day it might be, they can access the insightful guidance and support they need.

The process of initiating a reading is straightforward and designed with the client's convenience in mind. By visiting the Trusted Psychics website, individuals can browse the profiles of available psychic readers, including detailed information about the psychic's specialities, skills, and 5-star ratings. This helps clients choose a reader who resonates with their personal needs and spiritual inquiries.


How Do You Explain Spiritualism?

Spiritualism is a belief system that emphasises the communication between the physical and the spiritual world.

This belief in spiritualistic practices is rooted in the notion that the soul transcends physical death and that spirits can provide guidance, wisdom, and even comfort to the living.

Through its conception during the nineteenth century, spiritualism challenges the finality of death, proposing instead a continuous cycle of life, death, and rebirth, with the possibility of ongoing interaction between the realms.

At a deeper level, spiritualism can be explained as a quest for understanding the mysteries of existence beyond the tangible and the material.

Spiritualism encourages individuals to reflect on the essence of their being, the purpose of their life, and their connection to the universe. This introspective aspect of spiritualism allows for a personal spiritual journey, where one can explore questions about identity, existence, and the afterlife, often leading to profound personal transformations and an enhanced awareness of the metaphysical aspects of life.

Many seek this exploration and the resulting enlightenment in spiritualism - a path to uncovering the deeper truths of the universe and our place within it.

What Does It Mean to Be a Spiritualist Person?

Being a spiritualist person involves much more than simply believing in the existence of spirits and the afterlife.

A spiritualist person requires an openness to exploring the unknown, a willingness to question the nature of existence and a commitment to seeking greater understanding and connection with the universe. For those who identify as spiritualists, life is not merely a series of physical events but a continuous spiritual journey with opportunities for personal growth and enlightenment at every turn.

This path often leads to a profound sense of unity with all living beings and a deep compassion for the human experience. Ultimately, being a spiritualist person means continually striving to live in harmony with the spiritual beliefs one holds dear, fostering a life that transcends the physical and nourishes the soul.

What Is the Difference Between Religion and Spiritualism?

  • Structure and Formality: Religion typically involves organised, institutional structures with formal practices and rituals, whereas spiritualism is more personal and lacks formal institutions.
  • Belief System: Religion often centres around a deity or multiple deities and follows established doctrines. At the same time, spiritualism focuses on an individual's inner experience and connection with the universe or higher power without adherence to a specific deity.
  • Guidance: Christian Churches are usually guided by sacred texts, rituals, and clerical authorities, whereas spiritualism encourages personal exploration and direct connection with the metaphysical realm without intermediary figures.
  • Community vs. Individuality: Religion seeks to build a community of believers with shared convictions engaging in collective worship, while spiritualism emphasises individual spiritual growth and personal understanding of existence.
  • Doctrine and Dogma: Religion often dictates specific moral and spiritual conduct based on sacred texts, while spiritualism allows for a more subjective interpretation and understanding of life's mysteries.
  • Path to Spiritual Fulfilment: Religion provides a prescribed path to spirituality through its doctrines and rituals, whereas spiritualism offers an individualised spiritual journey, encouraging the seeker to find their truth and connection with the spiritual realm.

While religion and spiritualism may differ in their approach, both offer paths for individuals to seek meaning and understanding of existence. Whether one finds fulfilment through religious movements or personal exploration, these belief systems provide a framework for connecting with the universe and finding inner peace on life's journey.

Is Spirituality a Religion?

Spirituality is not the same thing as religion. While religion often involves specific beliefs, rituals, and joining together in places of worship, spirituality is more about your relationship with the world and what you feel is more significant than yourself. It doesn't necessarily require formal practices or beliefs in a specific god.

Spirituality can be a part of a religious movement, but you can also be spiritual without religion. It is a highly personal and subjective experience, unique to everyone. It allows us to connect with our inner selves, the universe, and something greater than us.

In a world with countless religions and belief systems, spirituality offers an inclusive path for individuals seeking connection and understanding in their own way.

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