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What Is a Psychic?

Published 22/08/2024 by Olivia Woods

What Is a Psychic?

A psychic is an individual who purports to have extrasensory perception or psychic abilities.

A few so-called psychics claim they have superhuman powers, such as reading minds or seeing into the future with the assistance of a crystal ball or scrying glass. They are more perceptive than the typical individual in all four senses: smell, taste, sight, and listening.

Many individuals believe that psychics have a sixth sense that the general public lacks; However, this belief is unproven without any scientific evidence, although there is continued research into the complexity of the human mind and unexplained phenomena.

Read our guide on what is a psychic reading.

Exploring the Mysteries of Psychics

Exploring the mysterious realm of psychics exposes the fascinating meeting point of human reason, mystical understanding, and intuition.

Many people believe that whatever exists beyond the five senses of the human body can only be unlocked by a sixth sense.

Psychics use their guidance and intuition to unlock hidden knowledge of a universe that transcends what we can perceive in the natural world. By probing the sensory, psychological, and metaphysical aspects, psychics attempt to unravel the enigmatic character of these occurrences and what they may signify for our understanding of consciousness and reality.

Defining Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities defy easy quantification by conventional scientific means. However, several accounts exist of individuals displaying psychic skills in controlled settings.

Some examples of psychic abilities include telepathy, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and prophecy.

One prevalent psychic skill is telepathy, which is the capacity to communicate without using one's physical senses. This includes abilities like mind reading and the ability to articulate one's own views.

Many in the scientific community are very sceptical about the reality and reliability of psychic talents. Sceptics of psychic powers object to a need for more scientific proof, while proponents of the ability depend on anecdotes and personal psychic experiences.

The existence of psychic powers will be a contentious topic for many years to come.‎

Types of Psychics


Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to comprehend information or events beyond the senses. Individuals with clairvoyant skills may experience mental representations of future occurrences or deceased loved ones. ‎

Clairvoyant ability can be cultivated through developing your own intuition and enhanced by meditation and relaxation techniques.


A medium employs psychic or intuitive talents to access the celestial energy encircling a person to view past, present, and future developments.

A psychic medium relies on non-physical energy to transmit information to clients.‎


An empath is an individual who is capable of feeling another's mental and emotional sensations.

Popular perception holds that empaths can put themselves in another's shoes and genuinely feel their emotions, often associated with an out-of-body experience. The main types of empaths are feeling, bodily, and cognitive.


The psychic gift known as psychometry empowers one to perceive or decipher an object's past solely by touching it. Grabbing an item in one's hands or touching it to one's forehead offers imprints to someone with this capacity.

Perceptions of such phenomena can take several forms, notably visual, auditory, gustatory, and sentimental.


Regarding psychic powers, telepaths, who can read minds or broadcast thoughts across them, are at the top of the pyramid.

Telepathy complements conventional means of communication by using spontaneous or extrasensory connections.


People who qualify as channelers assert that they can interact with non-physical entities, such as ghosts or higher consciousness, and frequently act as intermediaries to relay messages from these realms.

Channelling is a process wherein one enters a meditative or trance state to boost the passage of wisdom from the spiritual to the tangible realm. ‎

Unveiling the Role of Intuition and Energy

Intuition is the ability to read the contents of our brains instead of other people's.

Nearly everyone has felt a sense of déjà vu or intuition about something. In contrast, energy is the vital life force or reverberating rhythms that pervade the universe and all living things.

Learning how to control and tune into this energy is crucial when discussing psychic skills.

A large number of psychics hold the belief that they can improve their intuitive perceptions, aid in healing, and establish deeper connections with others by perceiving and influencing these energy fields.

A Psychic's Sixth Sense

A person's sixth sense is an individual's capacity for identifying things that aren't actually around them. The sixth sense combines all five other senses, granting you tremendous power.

Our strength and psychic abilities are controlled by the cosmos inside our minds, which is what the sixth sense signifies.

Read our article on signs you have psychic abilities.

Energy Fields

Many believe in undetectable energy fields surrounding and penetrating all living things.

Some people, like psychics and energy healers, assert that they can perceive and influence these fields for the betterment of those they serve. This assumption is the basis of therapies like chakra balancing, acupuncture, and Reiki.‎

Connecting With Universal Consciousness

The vital energy that establishes and maintains control over the cosmos is known as Universal Consciousness.

The subconscious mind is already integrating you into the Universal Consciousness. By gaining access to this domain, your subconscious mind can plan encounters and generate experiences consistent with your regular internal dialogue. This information demonstrates not just your self-perception but also your life expectations.

Responsibilities of Psychics

Honesty and Integrity

Integrity and honesty in psychic work are paramount. A psychic shouldn't act as if they possess all the answers if they can't give a clear reading or message.

Psychics also have an obligation to their clients not to utilise exploitation of their powers.‎

Confidentiality and Consent

As a rule, psychics should never pry into their clients' private lives by using their powers to learn anything about them without their explicit authorisation.

A professional psychic reader would seek permission before delving into someone's energies or sharing a vision. ‎

Providing Guidance

When psychics work with clients, they must be honest and feel a sense of duty. They should use their skills to assist and guide people, not for themselves or entertainment.

Empowering Individuals

Readings from psychics help people find their own identities and be themselves in the world.

Understanding one's own strengths, interests, and values helps one become more self-aware, confident, and empowered. It is sensible to exercise caution and discretion when seeking psychic readings.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Psychics should practice meditation and mindfulness regularly to keep themselves healthy and sharp.

If you want to tap into your intuitive insights, meditation is a must-have for cultivating inner peace, concentration, and clarity. It aids in differentiating between regular thoughts and real psychic perceptions. They work in tandem to help psychics be more accurate and empathetic in their readings.‎

Seeking Guidance From Experienced Mentors

Some psychic readers may prey on the weak for financial benefit; others may not be sincere or ethical. It's critical to do your homework and select honest psychics who put their clients' needs first, uphold strict secrecy, and adhere to all legal ethical codes.‎

What Is the Difference Between a Psychic and a Clairvoyant?

What is the difference between a psychic and a clairvoyant? People tend to refer to psychics and clairvoyants interchangeably, but the two are, in fact, somewhat different.

A psychic is a person with an ability to perceive information 'extra-sensorily', i.e., through the channel of their mind rather than through the senses. This can be telepathy (psychic communication with another mind), precognition (psychic foreknowledge), psychometry (psychic perception of the history of an object) or psiberry (psychic perception of any object not directly in one's line of sight).

'Clairvoyance', on the other hand, would seem to be a particular case of psychism that involves perceiving information with the 'inner sight' only.

The key difference is their means of communicating: one passes on information through different media. In contrast, the other communicates by seeing beyond the physical realm purely through their own intuition and inner sight.

The psychic does this through divination, either through a divination tool such as tarot cards, pendulums, runes, or crystals.

The clairvoyant, on the other hand, reads through dreams and visions or sees things through mental pictures. The psychic receives information from the past, future or potential from spirit guides or deceased loved ones – which the clairvoyant does not.

Do Psychic Readings Work?

Do psychic readings work? A popular argument in support of psychic readings aligns with this notion: at a time when there's no certainty, it is beneficial to alleviate uncertainty by tapping into a psychic's ability for clarity and resolution.

Psychics become trusted advisors in times of crisis, whether because of a sudden breakup or job loss, in the wake of a suicide or dying in a war.

Psychics may offer peace of mind by giving people a sense that they are in control of their lives and destiny, and overall, they are better equipped to manage any adversity that may come their way.

The issue of whether psychic reading works or not is not straightforward since many people believe it does, while others are sceptical and would not even think of it. It is purely an individual's choice.

For many people, learning about psychics and psychic reading is motivated by the desire to see and learn more.

Are Psychic Readings Accurate?

Some psychics are more naturally gifted than others; others have the gift but are less skilled, while others have skilled the gift over many years. So, the quality of any psychic reading depends partially on the psychic's experience and skill.

Psychic readings are subjective, and the interpretation of a reading is up to the person receiving it.

A psychic may offer insights or predictions, but that person will need to then interpret the reading with respect to their life. So, along with the fact that a psychic is saying things as fact with sufficient certainty, a psychic reading can be considered an accurate reading based on the recipient's ability to interpret the contents of the reading.

A study conducted by the University of Arizona that tested a variety of clairvoyants found that some of them could tell people somewhat accurate things about their lives, relationships, and the future. Of course, this finding is limited, and it remains to be proven that psychics are genuine.

Choosing the Right Psychic Reader

A life filled with understanding, direction, and solace can be yours when you find the correct psychic reader. They can be a great asset in overcoming obstacles, gaining self-assurance when making decisions, and finding insights that boost health and happiness.‎

Preparing for a Psychic Reading Session

Being well-prepared can significantly improve the quality of your psychic reading, which has the potential to be both therapeutic and enlightening.

Prepare ahead of time by writing down your goals, keeping an open mind and heart, gathering questions, and practising relaxation techniques. If you follow these guidelines, your psychic reading will be as beneficial as intriguing.‎

Understanding the Limitations of Psychic Readings

For a real and fruitful psychic experience, it is essential to recognise the limitations of psychic readings.

Psychic readings can help shed light on specific situations, but they won't solve all your problems. Psychics' personal views and the energy clients bring to the session are two factors that impact how they understand energy and intuition.

Psychic readings are, therefore, not a replacement for the counsel of qualified financial, legal, or medical experts. Being critical of psychic readings allows one to see them for what they are: a tool for self-improvement rather than the final word in determining reality.‎

Psychic Readings

Schedule an affordable psychic consultation with one of Trusted Psychics' expert psychics to get many benefits.

The readings' individualised observations and recommendations might help you confront life's challenges with clarity and confidence. Professional live psychic readers can offer new perspectives on relationships, careers, and self-improvement.

Trusted Psychics offers affordable, compassionate consultations from highly qualified psychics. You may develop emotionally and intellectually by getting regular psychic readings without the stress of how expensive these services can be.

Trusted Psychics can help you find the purpose of your existence and reach your potential.‎


What Is the Meaning of Psychic People?

Psychics are people with extraordinary mental abilities, such as seeing into the future, reading minds, or even communicating with the dead.

What Is the Meaning of Psychic Energy?

People frequently equate mental and spiritual activities with psychic energy, which is a subtle energy that runs through and passes through life. Many ascribe psychic powers like clairvoyance, telepathy, and intuition to it.‎

What Is Another Word for Psychic Powers?

Many words are attributed to Psychic Powers such as clairvoyance, intuitionism, intuitivism, presentiment, second sight, or a sixth sense.

What Is the Difference Between a Psychic and a Tarot Reader?

What is the difference between a psychic and a tarot reader? Though tarot readers and psychics are often seen in the same light, as people with specific abilities to tap into events, situations, and even people in ways that ordinary people can't, they still have many differences.

The psychic often uses his intuition and reads a subject or situation. Some psychics possess clairvoyance (seeing visions), clairsentience (feeling emotions) or clairaudience (hearing messages).

Others may use crystals or a pendulum as assistive tools for doing readings. In general, a psychic tries to pick up on the energy of a person or situation and uses their insight and guidance accordingly.

On the other hand, tarot readings are forms of divination that use symbols to help the reader gain insights into a situation.

The tarot deck comprises 78 cards with unique images and symbolic meanings that the reader will lay out and draw according to a set of instructions, each representing a different aspect of the question or situation.

The reader then interprets the cards considering their symbolism and meanings and uses this information to give the client guidance or advice in relation to the question or situation.

Contact Trusted Psychics for a unique and informative psychic reading from the world’s best online psychics.

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