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10 of Cups Meaning

Published 29/01/2023 by Joanne Jones

10 of Cups Meaning

The card is part of the minor arcana and belongs to the suit of Cups. The cups card is linked with the water element and the emotions of joy, peace, and completeness.

In this card, a rainbow encircles two hands, which are reaching to form an archway with one another. The card symbolises peace, harmony, and close bonds with other people around you.

A still, blue lake is brewing underneath them. In the background, 10 golden cups are floating on the lake.

This card evokes emotional connectivity, sitting, joy, and contentment. Its message is that joy can be derived from emotional connectivity – that genuine joy, not just happiness (as opposed to deep satisfaction), 'makes life worthwhile'.

Abundance and expansive love, as indicated by the 10 of Cups meaning, will flow from you most fulsomely when you have achieved emotional satisfaction within yourself and then share this atmosphere with others.

The 10 of Cups meaning pushes towards the front of our minds that we need more than just material possessions to bring us lasting happiness; we need friends and happy families, too.

You may think that is something that people who have money would say, but if you really think about it, how happy can you be when you have no emotionally deep connection to anyone around you? I know from life experience that I am at my happiest when I have someone I am close to who understands and accepts me for all my many flaws.

10 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

This card imagery expresses unadulterated happiness, satisfaction, and a sense of emotional wholeness. The 10 of cups meaning is the pinnacle of personal fulfilment for those who experience it. Its presence in a reading signifies the attainment of something significant, perhaps the result of long labours put in by the individual.

The 10 of Cups is a brilliant card to have pulled in your reading, as it represents reaching destinations, achieving goals and a time in life when everything seems to fall into place.

The smallest upright Cups are the 10 of Cups, which is all about good luck, that people in your family and circle of associates get on with you, and are enjoying a steady, secure relationship with someone close to you.

The number 10 in this card could suggest you've saved up to get where you are, that there's been a struggle to get to where you've got to, and that you deserve to appreciate it and be proud and glad of what you have done, and where you are now because you've weathered the problems. Where you are now is well-earned success through hard work.

The 10 of Cups suggests an equality of desire and access when it comes to the people we care about in family life and equality of feeling at-home with ourselves. There is something lovely about the idea of enjoying things without needing to know that everyone else thinks they're great and being able to take pleasure in little things.

The 10 of cups meaning shows us a time and place where dreams come true, where everything happens as we wish, opening an ideological space for us to live happily ever after.

10 of Cups Upright Position

The 10 of Cups, pipped in the upright in a tarot spread, is one of the good cards of the tarot deck, a card of luck. It is an abundance card. It is associated with fulfilling wishes, deep joy, and total harmony.

Everything has come together for you in the best way it can.

Often, this card denotes the end of something complex or turbulent in the person's life. But after the struggle, it leaves them safe, secure, and free to continue their own more honest and uncomplicated path.

In a reading about family and other relationships, it can symbolise the solid and trusting connection between two people – a harmonious relationship built on understanding and unconditional love. It can also indicate having finally figured out what you truly want out of life to create true emotional fulfilment.

There is a sweetness in accomplishing something personally and professionally important to you. In a career reading, the 10 of cups meaning can show fulfilment in your career path and the sense that your dreams have at last brought you somewhere that feels right with opportunities available, should you have your eyes open to see.

10 of Cups Reversed Position

Reversals of the 10 of Cups in a Tarot spread are understood as a sign of troubled emotions, a lack of harmony and a lack of stability, an inability to experience joy, or it can indicate problems with the long-term commitments of relationships.

In the financial context, it could relate to money worries.

The 10 cups' meaning in the reversed position shows that there is often some inner conflict (maybe about life or someone else) keeping a person from having a positive and clear perspective on life—an inability to continue 'looking on the bright side'. It could also be dissatisfaction with the level of demands and commitment that everyday life requires of us, which leads to being overwhelmed and losing that hopeful and positive perspective.

The 10 of Cups, meaning in reversal, traditionally indicates a call to step away from a family relationship or romantic relationship to work out how to create stability in your life.

The image on the card turned upside down, shows 10 inverted cups forming an arch above two figures facing each other. The visual shows disharmony between two people or families, characterised by feelings of insecurity, poor faith, disappointment, distrust, and alienation.

Some betrayal or miscommunication between them has probably formed an obstacle. The image hints at an increasing discrepancy, as if the partition between them is set to become even greater.

The reversed Cups suggest that sometimes the best way to reintegrate the self (and others) is to take some time out from life's challenges for introspection or communication with a person or power outside us. This step is often essential to put ourselves back on the path to finding our full destiny and potential for joy.

Is the 10 of Cups a Good or Bad Tarot Card?

The 10 of Cups is predominantly a joyous card, a marker of happiness, contentment, and good fortune. Typically taken as a positive card of fulfilment, the presence of the 10 of Cups might signify a period of blissful familial or romantic harmony.

It is, in short, a signifier of 'happily ever after' – a period of blessed stability that represents the crowning reward of life's trials.

The presence of this specific card in a tarot reading is generally a sign of good things as its meanings provide reassurance that things will go well, and it also soothes people in difficult times.

The other side of the card's meaning puts forward the idea that you need to give yourself the time and space to appreciate what you have done so that you can drop what no longer works and start creating more stability in life. Either way, it is not seen as a negative or bad card.

10 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning for Love

The 10 of Cups tarot card has an image of complete and ultimate soul love happiness, which happens when two people are in touch deeply and find full emotional and spiritual intimacy, also called unconditional love. They have mutual care and respect for each other through deep knowledge that their loving relationship is fulfilling.

As interpreted from a person in a relationship reading, this card says that one is in the domain of full emotional security and emotional stability with their partner, where they experience communication, trust, loyalty, commitment, and joy radiating in the relationship. As you might imagine, the card is also called 'The soulmate card' because of this.

The reversed 10 of cups could represent a relationship that needs further growth and extra effort. Something may be causing tension in the relationship, and when this tension is resolved, each partner will feel complete enough to enter a long-term relationship of escalating love.

The message is to celebrate what is and strive for even better in our relationships through shared experiences and dialogues.

10 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning for Health and Spirituality

As we have mentioned, the 10 of cups' meaning relates to being happy, well and satisfied.

In a well-being or spiritual reading, this card may be found when the Querent is feeling under the weather, has a physical or spiritual problem, or suffers from weakness or negativity. It indicates getting over the issue one way or another and attaining new awareness and positive energy. The card relates to a time when physical demands and spiritual strength are balanced.

This card might be an indicator of good health and everything feeling right in one's life. It can signal that they live in tune with the world and with others because they feel safe, secure, and connected.

But more broadly, it can represent moments when we need to become closer to our authentic selves, when we need greater clarity and freedom from 'noise' and distractions, and when we need to focus more on what's important.

The 10 of Cups tells us we're ready to love all aspects of life, including material things such as comfort, security, warmth, and money, but also certain more important things, like love, happiness, and spiritual development.

There are many reasons why spiritual tarot card readings can help people interested in their personal development and spiritual growth. When you know more about yourself, you'll find the chances for a happier life growing alongside your increased self-awareness.

A live psychic reader who specialises in this spiritual tarot reading can offer a detailed insight into a person's life journey, who they are and what they strive for in life - both consciously and subconsciously.

10 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning for Money and Careers

The 10 of Cups meaning for money and career tarot card meaning is a positive one. It shows you are content with your financial affairs now and in the future. It means that you have 'sown your seeds in the yard of abundance.' You have planted the right seeds, and the things you need are now blossoming for you. You can now sit back and enjoy happiness.

Money matters are not a major concern for you now; perhaps you're more intrigued by the need to take your professional life to the 'next level', finding different ways to test your full potential. This is a good time to make moves or changes that help shape a real career or status-defining moment for you.

The 10 of Cups meaning shows a place where financial security and stability will flow to you, regardless of how much money or how little is involved.

This card suggests that when you have self-belief and trust in 'your good', it brings an assurance that you'll always have what you need. This translates to greater ease with life and feeling secure with whatever physical belongings are in your possession.

When the psychic reader selects the 10 cups in a career reading, it means career success and achievements could be on the way.

10 of Cups and Astrology

The 10 of Cups, meaning in astrology, becomes a tarot card that mirrors astrological symbology linked to duality, peace, and harmony, which is the achievement of our supreme desires or destiny.

The 10 of Cups means that we are so close to achieving what we seek that we only must take one more step to make our dreams come true. This card encourages us to focus on our most important goal, see the challenge properly, and remember that all problems have solutions.

In the context of tarot astrology, the 10 of Cups is associated with planets such as Jupiter and Venus, which are closely affiliated with love and luck. Jupiter brings a positive outlook to life, and Venus promotes love, affection, beauty, and benevolence.

Together, these two planets offer life's blessings: joy and the strength to turn hurdles into stepping stones. In relations, it can mean bonds between kindred spirits who are attuned to each other and prefer spending time in each other's company.

The overall picture is one of spiritual growth and renewal, sometimes linked to long-term projects or commitments.

It encourages us not to be afraid to take a chance or speak our truth and pursue our goals and dreams. When this card is combined with other cards from a tarot deck, it can offer more insight into what would be most helpful to us as we continue the spiritual journey.

10 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Yes or No

Yes, yes, yes. Everyone wants to see the 10 cups appear in their personal tarot readings. The 10 of Cups meaning in a Tarot card reading is the ultimate yes card in a spread.

It can indicate a forthcoming blissful and blessed future: rich rewards are on the horizon, and life is full of emotional satisfaction. The card can suggest that you are going through hard times now, but they will soon be resolved.

At heart, this card suggests joy and deeper connections in love and relationships. You'll soon have an opportunity to make a great connection and build a strong commitment with your friends and family. Or you will find new friendships that bring you happy times in relationships and joy to your life overall.

This card can also be seen as a card of emotional maturity; you've grown from your experiences and can now accept yourself and others.

The 10 of Cups Tarot Card Meanings - Combinations

'Happiness'. is another strong meaning for the 10 of Cups. A symbol of a blissful life, with joy and pleasure. A symbol of a promising period of safety and comfort and a sense of stability.

The 10 of cups can mean different things when combined with other cards. Here are some examples of how the general 10 of cups meaning can change.

  1. Three Cups + Ten Cups = Strong intuition that feelings are volatile, moving in opposing directions; there may be some instability or confusion in relationships due to heightened emotionality.
  2. Two Wands + Ten Cups = You have finally achieved success through solid hard work and dedication; you might also feel emotionally secure and inspired by your accomplishments.
  3. Three Pentacles + Ten Cups = Financial stability combined with emotional balance; this combo shows us that someone has mastered their emotions and finances like well-crafted artwork.
  4. Four Swords + Ten Cups = A need for focus and reflection; taking time to assess one's emotions before making radical decisions to ensure wiser choices are made.
  5. Five Pentacles + Ten Cups = Difficult circumstances may block current happiness levels; careful planning should help alleviate any financial pressures so that more mental space can be devoted to personal fulfilment pursuits.
  6. Six Wands + Ten Cups = One is likely to experience recognition and rewards for their efforts; they could even expect some form of public acknowledgement, adding another layer of fulfilment to their lives.
  7. Seven Pentacles + Ten Cups = Consideration must be given towards long-term investments rather than short-term gains; patiently waiting will pay off if the right choices are made.
  8. Eight Wands + Ten Cups = A good indication that communication is flowing freely between all involved parties; this should bring about positive results faster than anticipated since everyone is on the same page regarding objectives and expectations from each other.
  9. Nine Swords + Ten Cups = Fear may be stopping someone from achieving personal goals or limiting the potential they can reach. Courage must be built, and personal growth must be chosen to overcome difficult times rather than stagnate due to insecurity or doubt.
  10. Page of Pentacles (Reversed) + Ten of Cup (Reversed) = Difficulties related to financial constraints could damage relationships if they are not addressed in good time. Money matters must be addressed so that both parties involved can avoid misunderstandings.

Tarot Readings

10 Mind-blowing Reasons Why You Need a Tarot Reading

Tarot readings can be more than useful to help you gain self-knowledge and learn about the people and world around you. A reading can give insight into yourself, others, your career, your relationship, your overall life, or anything else important to you.

  • A tarot phone reading can reveal creative spaces in yourself that can be used for emotional and personal growth. It can reveal patterns of behaviour and karmic cycles that may affect you.
  • Readings with Tarot cards enable us to open to the spirit world more easily and receive guidance from the angels, spirit guides and archangels, bringing through angelic messages that can be used for our highest good in divine time.
  • By acting as a spiritual roadmap, tarot can shed a little light on difficulties that might be standing in your way of progress. Tarot can illuminate what might be standing in the way of someone who wants to move forward with love and advise you on how to grow relationships on the deepest level possible.
  • The tarot allows you to access your subconscious and connect with your inner self to make personal changes that you might not have otherwise been able to access or recognise with this insight.
  • Tarot divination allows us to see outside of this ordinary reality, learn about our unconscious thoughts and desires, and gain insight into our past, present, and future.
  • Tarot can inform us how to get from where we are to where we want to be. It can show us other available pathways to overcome an issue, win over a job interview or repair a romantic relationship. It can help us design an action plan for where to go next based on the energies at play surrounding us all.
  • Tarot readings can offer gentle reminders about how far we've come along life's path and support when faced with obstacles or overwhelmed by fear-based thoughts and feelings.
  • Regular tarot readings provide helpful reminders about how far we've come along our journey through life and encouragement when facing difficulties or getting overwhelmed by fear-based thoughts or emotions.
  • Tarot readers are intuitive experts who get a feel for each card's meaning based on its placement during the reading process. They interpret these meanings according to how they relate to each individual and provide helpful advice on how best to proceed through difficult times or uncertain circumstances in their lives.

Why Call Trusted Psychics for a Tarot Reading?

Trusted psychics are the ultimate destination for anyone in need of a Tarot reading or other spiritual services.

It is an online directory of psychic services and live psychic readers who can provide tarot readings by phone and even via Live Messenger chat rooms. Their live psychic readers are dedicated to delivering honest readings to their clientele. They will ensure that every customer's experience is the best and always as positive as possible.

By offering dozens of different types of reading methods, including Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, and Runes, Trusted Psychics ensures that everyone can find a kind of reading that speaks to them and provides them with helpful sneak peeks into their future.

Trusted Psychics UK has some of the world's most experienced live psychic readers. Our psychics are hand-picked by a professional team that has spent time researching each psychic's background, references, and qualifications before giving approval.

Customers can know they are getting an accurate consultation and dependable reading from a trustworthy source.

Trusted Psychics live psychic readers have provided thousands of psychic readings worldwide, and we feel pride in providing a healing and safe environment where all our customers can feel comfortable having an amazing experience when having a tarot reading.

Before any reading, the client will be asked to speak freely about the things they may want answers to and any pumpkins that they may have.

If you feel more comfortable doing so, you can search Trusted Psychics to find tarot specialists who will give you a reading free of mistreatment, misinterpretation, and bad language from true live psychic readers in an atmosphere that feels comfortable, trusting, and pleasant from start to finish of this intimate journey into self-awareness.

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